Even upside down, the world goes on spinning. I wanted to share an event going on later this month, as well as an update regarding “Night Watch.” Although we can’t meet in person, the League of Utah Writers is still holding its Spring Conference on May 23rd via technology. I’m excited for this year’s conference because I don’t have to pick and choose what classes and discussions I attend. I can go to all of them! The presentations will be prerecorded for everyone to view. There will be some live Q and As, manuscript feedback, and other fun things to attend live next Saturday as well for a more en media res feel. I’ll make sure to share some of the highlights of the conference before June rolls around. Registration for LUW members is $20, while normal registration is $50. Buy a ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-spring-conference-league-of-utah-writers-registration-73177121741 *** The They Walk AmongRead More