The Reader’s Library: Project Gutenberg

Posted on July 24, 2021Comments Off on The Reader’s Library: Project Gutenberg

I feel so behind the times barely getting around to sharing this addition to the Reader’s Library. Throughout my education career, I had heard references to it, but it only ever stayed on the periphery of my awareness until recently.

Project Gutenberg celebrates 50 years of offering free literature!

Some quick facts: Since its founding by Michael Hart in 1971, everything offered by Project Gutenberg are works with expired copyrights in the U.S. Volunteers digitize and proofread the books before they are added to the library. Books can be either read online or downloaded. There is no fee or registration and no special apps needed to access the library. Project Gutenberg has over 60,000 eBooks available to the public.

Personally, I enjoyed reading recently added short stories published in the Imagination: Stories of Science Fiction and Fantasy from 1955. It was a treat to read about the interesting and unique ideas that influenced the genre so many love today.

Project Gutenberg is a fantastic place to look for classics and timeless titles to read, in addition to being a wonderful organization. Rather than explain how awesome Project Gutenberg is, I’ll let you read their mission statement and decide if they’re worth checking out.

Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!

The Project Gutenberg Mission Statement, by Michael Hart

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Written by Michael S. Hart June 20, 2004. Updated October 23, 2004; December 25, 2007.

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